On The Road Again

Don’t stop believing: the journey has begun once again!


Wow, what a year it’s been! Nine months into 2020 and we’ve chartered some treacherous waters; taking on, not just the odd billow here and there but facing a full-on tsunami. However, we’re now seeing some respite after the initial storm and finally, a glimmer of sunshiny hope has penetrated through the cloudy skies (yes, we’re seeing clearly now)!

As inter-provincial leisure travel has opened up, we now have the opportunity to get out there and wave adieu to those cabin fever blues! You now have the chance to explore the country like never before.

The travel possibilities are endless… so if you’re thinking about getting in touch with the open road again, here are a few road-tripping experiences you should try out or jot down as a ‘must’ on your bucket-list.



 The Solo Roadie 

This is a must-do for everyone who values time for themselves. This is the kind of road trip that allows you to get slightly lost as you navigate your way through the adventure. This kind of roadie is the right one for you if you’ve felt overwhelmed and cooped up with family over the lockdown period – don’t feel bad about going solo. We all need some ‘me-time’ and when we take time out to restore ourselves, then we are able to give of our very best, to our families and to our work responsibilities. Take this time to reflect on the moments in your life which have meaning to you. Remember when Dad actually allowed you to drive all the way from the tiny town you grew up in to the big city, where you started university? Moments like those taught you how to be brave and how to face the unknown – a valuable lesson: growing older and changing is not as daunting as you thought.





The Family Roadie

This family pack combo is a deal that everyone should do regularly. If there is anything the past few months have taught us, is that family matters most. Why not cram into the car, let Dad drive (like the good old days), perhaps engage in a light squabble with your siblings over the song on the radio? Along the way, nibble on the ‘padkos’ Mom has packed in the overused cooler-box, etched with memories of 15 years ago. Perhaps have the whole family head out on a road trip. This is great opportunity for a family reunion with cousins, uncles, aunts, godparents and grandparents. Your kids will be given the opportunity to forge memories for a lifetime and strengthen familial bonds and traditions for their future and generations to come.

A Partner-Up Roadie 

Why not head out on the open road with your beloved? This is a great opportunity to get to know each other better, as you explore the vast open road. Kick things up a notch by going on a slight detour – why not find a campsite to spend the night at or perhaps a charming country bed and breakfast? Why not combine each other’s bucket-lists to create the ultimate couples bucket-list list of things you would like to do with your special someone-this will allow the two of you to get out of any comfort zones and challenge yourselves in a fun, exciting way! There are so many magical memories to be made here as the two of you listen to your favourite songs and chat about the future!


A Best Friend Roadie

This is one for the books. Remember when you were younger and all you wanted to do was to stay over at your best friend’s house? Remember how the two of you would make plans and in an innocent tone, dictate to these master plans to your parents? Well, the great thing about being all grown up is that your best friend probably knows you the best so you’re guaranteed to have a great time. That means no unnecessary arguments or squabbling, just pure best friend shenanigans! This is the ideal time to reconnect with that forgotten childhood wander as you explore the great outdoors. En route to your destination, stop along the way, to visit little towns that you only imagined you could visit as a child. Perhaps plan a spontaneous spa day and stay over at a place along the way. Alternatively, why not book a tour of a local museum or make a point of visiting places of historical importance, for example, visit The Cradle of Humankind, a spectacular world heritage site!


A road trip is not merely an A to B endeavour, but an adventure of familial bonding, self-discovery, and meditation. There are so many memories to be made and experiences to be enjoyed! If there is anything we need to be reminded of, is to take advantage of the travelling opportunities and make every moment count. As the popular saying goes – “Yesterday is history, tomorrow’s a mystery but today is a gift…that’s why it’s called the present.” Put the brakes on hesitation and lift off towards the blissful beauty called travel.


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